Drawing Inspiration: Meg’s Journey to Celebrate Agnes Baden-Powell

Hi, my name is Meg and I am a Western Australian Girl Guide for the North Dianella Melaleuca unit working on my Queens Guide award (the old syllabus). For my Gold Endevour I had to educate myself on a part of Guiding traditions or history and find a fun and exciting way to share it with a group wider than your Unit.

I love to draw and wanted to apply my creativity to this task to make my project as engaging as possible, and challenged myself to share my work as far as I can!

I chose to do my project on Agnes Baden-Powell, as my Leader told me she has been rarely chosen by her guides for this project, and I also because knew very little about her to I thought it would propose a good challenge for me.

Once I had finished my research I felt so inspired by Agnes, not only because of her dedication and hard work in founding Girl Guides, but also because of her wide range of hobbies and love for the outdoors which is something we both have in common. I used the comic strip idea to showcase her story and her skills in a short, but engaging way, as the story is far more impactful, especially for young people, with the combination of illustrations and bright colours.

I shared my comic with GGWA, hoping to get it featured in Wagtale and the social media, they then also shared it on to the State and Chief Commissioners which was a huge honour.
On top of this my Guide leader Kookaburra encouraged me to join an Agnes Baden- Powell appreciation group on Facebook where I have also shared my comic and was amazed to receive comments from Guides all over the world including the UK, the US, and Canada, who shared even more resources with me and widened my learning.

This project was a great experience for me and I hope that through it I can inspire more Guides and Leaders with Agnes’s amazing story.

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