Containers for Change

Your support is more than a donation; it's an investment in the future of young women across WA.

Join us in making a difference by donating your refund through the Containers for Change scheme. Whether you’re a Guide Leader, a Girl Guide, a parent, or a member of the public, you can now help raise funds for your chosen Guide group.

Collect containers

Gather eligible aluminium, glass, plastic, steel, and liquid paperboard drink containers between 150ml and 3L.

Take them to a refund point

Locate the nearest refund point in Western Australia. There are various options available, so find the one that suits you best.

Earn a refund

For every eligible container returned, you’ll receive a 10-cent refund. You can then choose to donate this refund to a local Guide Unit using their Scheme ID, or simply use our organisation’s ID: C10253835.

Together, we can empower and support Girl Guides across Western Australia. Start donating your refund today and make a positive impact in your community!

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