Support Us

You can make a difference by joining us in a collective effort to uplift and empower girls and young women.

At Girl Guides WA, we believe that every act of support, big or small, contributes to the empowerment of girls and young women across the nation. Every contribution paves the way for their growth and leadership. Discover how your support can create a ripple effect of positive change, offering girls the opportunities they need to thrive.


Your generosity fuels our mission, supporting Girl Guides across WA. Consider donating today—every contribution helps us continue our vital work.

Our Partners

Learn about the organisations and individuals who collaborate with us. Your organisation can join this esteemed group, contributing to changing lives.

Hire a Camp Site

Support us by hiring one of our scenic campsites for your next event or getaway, directly benefiting Girl Guides WA programs and facilities.

Containers for Change

Engage in this innovative recycling program that not only benefits the environment, but also supports Girl Guides WA.

Our Patron

Meet the influential figure who champions our cause, lending their voice and support to Guide our efforts in empowering young women.


Share your time, skills and passion with us. From Guiding to specialised skills sharing, we welcome all who wish to make a meaningful impact in the lives of young women.

Empower every girl’s journey through support that shapes the leaders of tomorrow.

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